Help Secure the Muni Theatre’s future for generations to come – become a Guardian of the Muni

Leave a legacy – leaving a gift to the Muni Theatre in your Will is an amazing way of ensuring that your passion for the theatre and specifically the Muni Theatre will endure, inspire and entertain future generations.

A gift in your Will, no matter how large or small, will cost you nothing more in your lifetime but has the power to ignite the creativity of the next generation. Your gift will enable us to share the joy of all the Muni Theatre has to offer, for many years to come and with your help, we can bring these experiences to more people within the community.

You decide what type of gift you would like to leave us:-

  • A Percentage Gift – a donation of all or part of what is left over once all other gifts have been taken into account. This is sometimes known as a ‘residual gift’.

  • A Cash Gift – a fixed amount of money left to a person or organisation, also known as a ‘pecuniary gift’.

With your donation, we can continue to support new and emerging artists, engage people from all walks of life and maintain our beautiful theatre for generations to come.

Registered with Fundraiser Regulator
Legacy Drum Set

How to Leave a Legacy to the Muni in your Will

Leaving your legacy is simple.

You can do it by following the steps below.

STEP 1: Choose to recognise us in your Will, once you have considered family and friends.

STEP 2: Decide the type of gift you would like to donate to us. There are two main types of gifts you can donate to the us in your Will, either (1) a cash gift for a specific sum of money or (2) a percentage of your estate.

STEP 3: Contact your solicitor or Will writer. Provide your solicitor or Will writer with our details, which are:

  • Our Registered Company Name: Pendle Leisure Ltd
  • Our Registered Office: No 1 Market Street, Nelson, BB9 7LJ

If you already have a Will, then you will not need to draw up a new one as it can be emended by your Solicitor or Will writer by preparing a Codicil.

STEP 4: Let us know! By leaving a Legacy to the Muni, you will join the Muni Theatre Guardians and we would love to celebrate you.

Find Out More

If you do not have a Will or if your Will isn’t valid (eg your Will is not correctly signed or witnessed) your estate is said to be ‘intestate’. This means your wishes may not be carried out. A professionally written, up-to-date Will is the best way to ensure your requests are met.

A Will is one of the most important documents you’ll ever write. It’s the only way to make sure the people and the causes you care about are looked after, and it’s where you can decide what happens to your money and possessions.

You can use a professional Will-writer or solicitor to write or update your Will to ensure it is validly written and witnessed. You can contact the Law Society of England and Wales or the Law Society of Scotland, depending on where you live.

It’s a good idea to review your Will to make sure it still reflects your wishes, especially if your circumstances have changed. Changes that affect your Will could include marriage, divorce or separation, a new arrival or death in your family, moving home, moving abroad or changing your financial circumstances.

Executors are the people you appoint to make sure the wishes expressed in your Will are followed. It’s best to name at least two people to do this job in case one is unable to act for you. You can choose friends, family members or your solicitor. It’s important to know that naming someone as an executor doesn’t stop them benefitting in your Will.

Your solicitor or Will-writer may offer to keep your original Will as part of their service. Make sure you keep a copy along with any other useful information, like pension and bank account details, that will help your executors fulfil your wishes.

A residuary gift is a share of your estate. This type of gift is the most beneficial because it’s a percentage of your estate, rather than a fixed amount. This means it will retain its value and won’t be affected by inflation. If you’d like to leave a residuary gift, here’s some suggested wording to put in your Will: ‘I give […]% of the residue of my real and personal estate to Pendle Leisure Ltd of No 1 Market Street, Nelson, BB9 7LJ and the receipt of the proper officer for the time being at the Pendle Leisure Ltd who and shall be a complete discharge to my executors.’

This is a specific amount of money given in a Will. Otherwise known as a ‘cash gift’. If you’d like to leave a pecuniary gift, here’s some suggested wording to put in your Will: ‘I give the sum of […in words] pounds [£…in figures] to Pendle Leisure Ltd of No 1 Market Street, Nelson, BB9 7LJ and the receipt of the proper officer for the time being of the Pendle Leisure Ltd shall be a complete discharge to my executors.’

A gift in trust

You can leave a gift for someone to use over a period of time. When the time has ended, the gift can be passed on to another recipient, such as a charity. This is known as a ‘life interest’. A conditional gift that’s made only if another event happens first. For example, your Will could state that a gift only applies if all other beneficiaries named in your Will die before you do. We recommend asking a solicitor about gifts in trust, life interests, and conditional gifts, to make sure the wording is correct.


A simple Will is usually a Will where there is no inheritance tax involved due to the value of your estate. It might also be a Will with no complex issues. We recommend talking to a solicitor about what a simple Will means for you.

Legacy schools

Contact us today to discuss your legacy

Just looking to make a donation?

If you’d just like to make a donation online, you can do so here.

As a charitable trust, donations of any size can make a huge difference and ensure we can continue to offer theatre that seeks to inspire and entertain our local community and beyond.

With your donation, we can continue to support new and emerging artists, engage people from all walks of life and maintain our beautiful theatre for generations to come.

Thank you for thinking of us and choosing to support local theatre.