Set in the heart of Victorian London, "Twisted! The Musical" follows Oliver Brownlow, now a young man, as he becomes intertwined with Jane, a working-class flower girl battling the harsh realities of life with an alcoholic uncle. This two-hour production combines live music, dynamic performances, and captivating choreography to explore profound themes of resilience, love, and social justice.
Developed as a musical reimagining, "Twisted!" gives lovers of "Oliver Twist" a chance to see where Oliver's life has taken him and how he navigates the complexities of adulthood in a world that challenges his ideals. Select performances will feature a Q&A session with the writers, director, and principal cast, allowing audiences to delve deeper into the story and its themes.
Age: 12+
Parental Guidance required
Content warnings: Police Brutality, Alcohol/Drugs/Substance Misuse, Haze/Smoke, Strobe/Flashing Lighting/Images, Jump Scare inc Loud Bangs, Violence, Death/and or Dying, Sexual Assault, Abuse (physical, mental, verbal, sexual).